new season

We open again on 1st March 2025. A letter will be emailed out soon with all the information you need for the year ahead.

Best wishes

P and R Wakelin

Site operators

New warden and other news

Our new warden, Cherie Amsbury,  started in March  and is an excellent addition to the team. With the weather now at last getting warmer we have opened the book exchange in the old phone box which all tenants are welcome to use. The right of way to the sea wall is now complete and we hope tenants are able to make use of this over the summer as well as in years to come.

We hope everyone enjoys a lovely Barrow Marsh summer!

Vacancy for Warden

There is a vacancy for the job of Warden at the site beginning on March 1st 2023.

If you are interested in this job then please complete a c.v and letter of application outlining why you think you would be a suitable candidate. A job description can be collected from the Park manager’s office or if you get in touch by email then we can email it to you.

Please send the c.v and letter by email to

The closing date is Monday August 29th with interviews being held on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd September.

Barrow Marsh Book Exchange

The book exchange has been  operating for about a month now and seems to have plenty of books available!  It is located in the old payphone box quite near reception. Happy reading!

Opening update

We can confirm that the site will be fully re-opening on 12th April and that day visits will be allowed from 29th March between 9am and 5pm.

P and R Wakelin (site operators)

Site opening 2021

Following today’s government statement we are pleased to announce that we intend to fully re-open on April 12th. This is of course dependent on the national Covid situation continuing to improve.

P and R Wakelin (site operators)

Covid-19 update

Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we will not be able to open as usual on March 1st. All tenants have received a letter with further details. After the government announcement on February 22nd we will be able to give a further update.

P and R Wakelin (site operators)

New closure date

Due to lockdown ending on December 2nd there is now a new closure date of Thursday December 3rd at 3pm. We look forward to opening again on 1st March 2021. Hoping you have a good winter and that we are able to have a full season next year.

P and R Wakelin (site operators)

Lockdown update

Sadly, once again, to comply with government regulations we must close the site from today. All tenants will receive further details either by post, text or email. Day visits will still be permitted between 9am and 4pm. If you have any questions then please contact the Park manager. We very much hope to be fully open again on March 1st 2021.

Full re-opening

As we hoped we can now officially announce that we are fully re-open from July 4th. Obviously we will still all need to follow government guidelines. Thank you once again for your patience during this time and we very much look forward seeing you all again soon.

P & R Wakelin

Site Operators